By using the appropriate Balance Mat you can be part of a paradigm shift towards objective balance measurement. Our three systems give you electronic measurements of your clients' balance ability in minutes and you can save their results online, on your own computer or on the person's paper file.
The BESS Balance Mat is used by sporting organisations and allied health professionals for the baseline screening and concussion monitoring of athletes. The system builds on the traditional stances of the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) but omits the foam normally used. It enables three 20-second balance tests with the person's eyes closed while standing in the normal, tandem and one-legged, dominant-foot stances.
Associate Professor in Physiotherapy from Flinders University Dr James McLoughlin advised on the development of the BESS Balance Mat, which is being used alongside Neuroflex virtual reality headsets testing members of the North Adelaide Football Club - a leader in concussion management. James and the team have been using the BESS Balance Mat in this way since December 2022.The Multimetric Balance Mat is for exercise physiologists, physiotherapists, general practitioners and nurses. It is particularly useful in sports and ageing well settings. This is a 4-test, eyes-open model based on a 500mm x 700mm x 6mm computerised mat that can be used for exercise-prescription, rehabilitation and outcome-measure purposes.
The Multimetric Balance Mat enables four 20-second balance tests (in a sequence of normal, tandem, left foot, right foot standing positions) and aids in the diagnosis of falls risk and health conditions such as diabetes, Parkinson's disease and other neurological conditions. It can also be used in the treatment of patients after injury (particularly sports injuries), stroke and heart attack.The Neurometric Balance Mat is mainly for balance researchers in falls risk, ageing, physiotherapy and neurological conditions, as well as general practitioners, geriatricians, gerontologists, neuro-physiotherapists, exercise scientists, exercise physiologists and chiropractors. This is a 12-test, eyes-closed / eyes-open system with a 500mm x 700mm x 6mm computerised mat that can be used for neurological assessment. It enables 12 separate 20-second balance tests in these standing positions: normal, normal with eyes closed, tandem, tandem with eyes closed, semi tandem, semi tandem with eyes closed, feet together with eyes open and closed, left foot, left foot with eyes closed, right foot, right foot with eyes closed.
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